From the school year 2023–2024, 57 reputable Central and State Government Universities and Institutions will begin offering the 4 Year Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP).

The 4 Year Integrated Teacher Education Program will be made available at 57 renowned Central and State Government Universities and Institutions starting in the academic year 2023–2024. (ITEP).

ITEP, as told on 26 October 2021, is a Long term double major comprehensive college degree offering B.A. B.Ed./B. Sc. B. Ed. furthermore, B.Com. B.Ed. This course will plan instructors for the 4 phases of the new school structure for example Central, Preliminary, Center and Auxiliary (5+3+3+4). The program is being presented in pilot mode at first in presumed Focal/State Government Colleges/Foundations. ITEP will be accessible for all understudies who pick educating as a calling after Optional, by decision. This coordinated course will help understudies since they will save one year by getting done with the course in 4 years as opposed to the standard 5 years expected by the present B.Ed. plan. Confirmation for a similar will be done by the National Testing Agency (NTA) through the National Common Entrance Test (NCET).

In addition to teaching cutting-edge pedagogy, ITEP will lay the groundwork for foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN), inclusive education, and a knowledge of India and its values, ethos, art, and traditions, among other things.

The programme will make a significant contribution to the sector’s overall revival. The future teachers who complete this course in a multidisciplinary setting with a foundation in Indian values and traditions will be equipped with the skills necessary to meet 21st-century global standards and, as a result, they will be the ones to set the path for the development of New India.

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