Exploring Human Behavior: Book Review of ‘Human Model’ by Dr. Issam Wadi

Book Title – Human Model
Author Name – Dr. Issam Wadi
Publisher Name – Austin Macauley Publishers
Rating – 5/5

“Human Model” by Dr. Issam Wadi is a remarkable exploration of human and social behavior, drawing from more than 40 years of professional and academic research. In this enlightening work, Wadi delves deep into the intricate web of human interactions and societal processes, shedding light on how universal, natural processes shape our lives. He bridges the gap between natural and social sciences, using various theories to provide a fresh and accessible perspective on complex human behavior, from interpersonal relationships to mass behavior, advertising, marketing, management, and even the ever-relevant subject of happiness. The author’s ability to synthesize decades of research and theory into a comprehensible and engaging narrative is a testament to his expertise. “Human Model” serves as a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and the general reader interested in understanding the underpinnings of human and social behavior.

Wadi introduces the readers to the concept that human and social systems are deeply influenced by universal, natural processes. He embarks on this intellectual journey by showing how friction theory can explain human interactions. Drawing parallels between the laws of physics and human relationships is both fascinating and enlightening. By connecting these seemingly disparate worlds, Wadi provides a unique and profound perspective on how human beings relate to one another.

Resonance theory is another powerful tool Wadi employs in “Human Model” to unravel mass behavior, advertising, and marketing. This theory allows us to see how seemingly unrelated phenomena can be interconnected through underlying patterns and resonances. The application of resonance theory to understanding complex human processes reveals the intricate tapestry of our societal behaviors and choices. Feedback theory, as elucidated by Wadi, adds yet another layer to the understanding of human behavior from a management perspective. The idea that feedback loops, which are prevalent in natural systems, can also be applied to human interactions is a thought-provoking concept. This approach provides a fresh lens through which readers can contemplate and analyze management and leadership, making it an invaluable resource for professionals in these fields.

The author’s emphasis on the interconnectedness of natural and human systems is a recurrent theme throughout the book. He illustrates how human beings are not separate entities but are deeply embedded within larger natural processes. This perspective enhances our understanding of human behavior by showing how it is, in many ways, a reflection of the broader universe’s principles and dynamics. “Human Model” also serves as a bridge between the scientific and social realms, making complex concepts accessible to a wider audience. It takes the starting point of fundamental scientific theories and utilizes them to develop a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior. This approach encourages readers and researchers to apply these scientific theories and models to the analysis of intricate social processes.

The book goes beyond theory, offering practical applications and insights. It presents a framework through which readers can delve into the complexities of human behavior, such as mass movements, crowd psychology, financial markets, and economic forecasting. This practical orientation makes “Human Model” a valuable tool for those seeking to conduct more sophisticated analyses and studies of complex social phenomena.

One of the book’s standout features is the introduction of Dr. Wadi’s “Zero Sum Theory” for explaining happiness in life. This theory takes readers on a journey through the individual’s mental models and how they affect happiness. It provides a unique perspective on the often elusive concept of happiness, shedding light on the role of one’s mindset and beliefs in shaping life satisfaction. The author’s reflections on the impact of technology on modern life, social behavior, family dynamics, and society as a whole are timely and relevant. As technology continues to play an ever-increasing role in our lives, Wadi’s insights into the influence of technology on various aspects of society offer a thought-provoking perspective on the challenges and opportunities of our digital age.

“Human Model” stands as an important milestone in the study of human and social behavior. It not only contributes to a broader mainstream understanding of these fields but also equips researchers and scholars with versatile social modeling tools. The book’s accessibility and practical applications ensure that its impact extends beyond the academic realm, making it an indispensable resource for anyone interested in comprehending and influencing the complex fabric of human society. In its short and concise style of writing, the author effortlessly explains intricate concepts that may otherwise be difficult for people to understand.

“Human Model” by Dr. Issam Wadi is a significant contribution to the understanding of human and social behavior. By drawing connections between natural and human systems, the book illuminates the underlying mechanisms that govern our actions and choices. With practical applications, thought-provoking theories, and insightful reflections on happiness and technology, “Human Model” is a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of the intricacies of the human experience. Readers, whether academic researchers or those simply curious about the workings of human society, will find the “Human Model” an enlightening and indispensable resource.


Dr. Issam Wadi is a distinguished figure in the realms of IT, Automation, and Digital technology, boasting an impressive career spanning over 43 years. With a profound expertise in Digital Transformation initiatives, he has spearheaded, managed, and conceptualized numerous pivotal projects in major industries, including the Energy Sector, Utilities Public Sector, Health, SMEs, and beyond.

Dr. Wadi’s influence extends globally, having trained a multitude of professionals worldwide in Automation, IT, and Digital technology. He seamlessly integrates his practical industry experience with academia, serving as a visiting lecturer at various esteemed European universities. Additionally, he is a sought-after speaker at international conferences, sharing invaluable insights into technology and its diverse applications.

As a prolific writer, Dr. Wadi has contributed extensively to the field, penning numerous articles in esteemed international journals and authoring two noteworthy books. His academic pursuits culminated in a Ph.D. focused on the applications of AI-ANN in manufacturing, earned in the UK. Furthermore, he holds a postgraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin in the USA, complementing his BSc in engineering from Egypt.

Notably, Dr. Wadi’s ingenuity extends beyond theory into practical solutions, as he has successfully invented and patented several innovative ideas and problem-solving solutions across both industrial and non-industrial sectors. His multifaceted contributions continue to leave an indelible mark on the intersection of technology and industry.

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