EDTECH TRENDS 2024: This year will see more investments, acquisitions, and advancements in the industry.

India’s EdTech sector is currently at a turning point. Following a time when the industry faced several challenges, prudent consolidation and ongoing innovation have primed the industry for a robust recovery. EdTech still has a very large runway for expansion, since the country’s education system is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the integration of technology to increase access and transform learning throughout all of India.

Here is an analysis of major trends in finance, mergers and acquisitions, and other critical flashpoints as we map out the industry’s future:

Revolutionising through new technologies  

By 2024, the way artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and virtual reality (VR) are combined will likely completely change the nature of education. There will be an increase in the use of these cutting-edge technology in training modules, online platforms, and classrooms. AI systems are able to analyze individual learning styles and modify course material to meet the specific needs and limitations of every learner. Predictive analytics is made easier by ML, which aids instructors in identifying possible problems early on and developing customized solutions. Through the immersive experiences that virtual reality brings to the classroom, learning becomes more dynamic, flexible, and captivating.

Tapping the local market 

India’s EdTech industry has just started to dabble in the local market and actively pursue individuals who speak their native tongues. However, online learning platforms may now interact with students and learners outside of urban regions because to advancements in digital infrastructure and rising internet usage. Since these people prefer to learn in their mother tongues, giving them the opportunity to do so not only serves a larger student body but also improves the quality of education by making academic material more approachable and clear to learners with a variety of linguistic backgrounds. Over time, this aids in democratizing education and bridging the linguistic gap.

Acquisition trends 

In the upcoming years, a surge of Merger & Acquisition (M&A) activity is anticipated in the EdTech space as larger businesses acquire the capacity to increase their market share. When companies went on an acquisition binge in 2021 and increased the variety of learning platforms in their portfolio, this trend started to take off. Following the first slowdown, businesses have started to assess the feasibility of inorganic development as a means of bringing complementary learning solutions together on a single platform and providing their clientele with a wider range of choices. Product portfolio diversification enables companies to maximize their value offer to current consumers while simultaneously expanding into new customer segments. Expect a resurgence in this sector, as new funding enables EdTech companies to resume expanding.

New business segments  

EdTech executives are concentrating on new areas like online degrees, education financing, and career transitions through reskilling and upskilling in addition to mergers and acquisitions. The demand for additional learning opportunities would rise in tandem with the anticipated peak in internet usage in India within the next ten years. This is particularly true outside of the country’s metropolises, where aspiring users from rural and semi-urban areas will propel rapid growth in search of better possibilities. Additionally, EdTech businesses plan to grow into related fields like hiring, student loans, and career training. They will be able to develop more solid, lasting bonds with students thanks to this procedure. By providing a comprehensive bundle of education, training, employment, and funding, these platforms put themselves in a better position to increase their client lifetime value share.

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