Ahmedabad College Puts together History Literature Celebration

While India was struggling to produce a “All-Indian” typewriter to compete with foreign dominance over the pervasive commercial office machine in the 1950s, the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) produced the first indigenous computer, the TIFR Automatic Calculator (TIFRAC), in 1960, which was on par with its American counterparts.

Even though laptops have already surpassed PCs in popularity, there are still typewriters outside of courts in India, showing how different periods coexist in a country like India.

On Sunday at Ahmedabad University, during the second and concluding day of the inaugural History Literary Festival, that was one of the topics of conversation. Arunaraje Patil, Mallika Sarabhai, Ami Ganatra, Dayasindhu N, Vrunda Pathare, Somraj Singh Jhala, Yograj Singh, Sonal Ved, Kanchan Marathe, Prakash Magdum, and a few of the second-day presenters. The conversation covered a broad range of topics, including the development of typewriters and computers, the princely kingdoms of Gujarat, the history of Indian cuisine, significant scenes from Hindi film, and Indian philosophy.

Peggy Mohan, a linguist who presented on the first day, suggested to a media source that, when carefully examined, nouns and retroflex might reveal details about the evolution of languages. She made comments about how artificial intelligence is altering our connection with language in between her discussion of the history of Indian languages. She continued by saying that languages tell us about migration and the words that change forms. Indian classical music has a unique past and practice because it has constantly fought between

According to Srijan Deshpande, a music historian and one of the presenters at the event. “Ragas provide the syntax, but an artist is allowed to experiment. Western classical music is composed of music that has already been performed. This sense of what is acceptable and what is not has changed throughout the years by contemporary ideas,” he added.

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