Treasures of Lakshmi: The Goddess Who Gives by Namita Gokhale and Malashri Lal

Title: Treasures of Lakshmi : The Goddess who Gives
Author: Namita Gokhale and Malashri Lal
Publisher: Penguin Random House
Pages: 320
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The enchanting finale of the goddess series organised by Namita Gokhale and Malashri Lal, “Treasures of Lakshmi,” is a brilliant ode to the sacred feminine in Hindu mysticism. Continuing on the popularity of “In Search of Sita” and “Finding Radha,” this trilogy explores the esoteric aspects of Hindu philosophy with an emphasis on the holy spirit that is personified in the goddess Lakshmi. Gokhale and Lal’s painstaking selection and editing are evident, providing readers with a deep dive into the goddess’s complex personality.

The book “Treasures of Lakshmi” takes readers on a transformative journey through the 108 names of Lakshmi and the thousand appellations of her sahasranama. It does this by unravelling the rich narrative of ‘the goddess who gives’ in a way that is both enlightening and spiritually uplifting.

This last part of the trilogy not only demonstrates the richness of Hindu philosophy and practice, but it also emphasises the many and everlasting benefits that Lakshmi bestows. The book is a great resource for anybody looking for a deeper understanding of the sacred feminine since it skillfully blends spirituality, mythology, and tradition into a visually stunning and thought-provoking whole. A thoughtful investigation that connects with the ageless wisdom contained in the goddess’s kindness, “Treasures of Lakshmi” is more than just a book. For those who are interested in the deeper facets of Hindu philosophy and spirituality, it is a must-have addition to any reader’s library.

About the author:

Namita Gokhale, an Indian author, editor, and festival director, is known for her novels exploring Indian culture and history, and for co-founding the Jaipur Literature Festival.

Namita Gokhale, an Indian author, editor, and festival director, is renowned for her contributions to literature and cultural discourse. Born in Lucknow in 1956, she has written novels exploring Indian culture, history, and relationships. Gokhale is also a co-founder and director of the Jaipur Literature Festival, a global literary event that fosters intellectual discussions and literary exploration.

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