Book Review | There’s a Poet in Everyone | The literature today
A poet is a person who writes poetry. Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. There is a rhythm and a pattern in everything around us. Even nature follows sequences and series; day and night, the change of seasons, sunset and sunrise, dawn and dusk…
This book aims to introduce poetry lovers to different forms of poetry to help many aspiring poets to keep writing and enjoying poetry. It creates a base for the reader and the poetry lovers to get a feel and understanding about poetry. It emphasizes on the fact that becoming a great poet is indeed a monumental task but learning and enjoying poetry is not.
Learning various forms of poetry hooks the creative part of a poet that unleashes the new dimensions of poet and poetry. He reiterates his intent by saying “there’s a poet in everyone” and everyone can learn poetry, share and enjoy it. This is the 19th book by the author. He has undertaken the gigantic task of explaining 55 forms of poetry in 1 book and has successfully completed it.
This book is dedicated to all poetry enthusiasts who want to learn more and want to live poetry. This poetry book is dedicated to all those poets who write for the love of writing poetry. The Book Cover is the work of Payal Vohra who is a Photographer by profession. She has used a real life model to photograph for the cover of the book. In the picture, the model is holding a pen and a notebook. Is in deep thought, maybe thinking about something to pen down reiterating the title of the book, there’s a poet in everyone. The Title itself is so liberating and joyful which gives the reader a boost, inspires him and encourages him to put in black and white, his thoughts and feelings without being self-conscious or having any reservations.
This book is for learning as well as enjoying poetry. Poetry is generally treated as something that is not important and needs minimal attention. Poetry has been limited to a very few forms. Anyone can learn poetry and enjoy it. Writing poetry and also sharing it with others is always a fulfilling act.
The book encompasses 55 chapters and the first chapter is titled There’s a Poet in Everyone. It starts with an informal conversation that is going on between the protagonist who does not know anything about poetry and his friend who is a poet. Further on, the poet pulls down all the defenses of his friend and starts telling him about poetry and its various forms. He starts with the famous toddler poem, twinkle twinkle little star..and then both of them start following the pattern in the poem to form some new impromptu poetic lines. This helps his friend in shedding his fear of being incapable of poetry and he starts playing along. Gradually, in the process of 5-8months, the poet teaches him nearly 50 forms of poetry. The friends starts loving and living poetry to the core.
I was reminded of the chapter “sequence & series” studied in Mathematics, at school while reading and studying the various forms of poetry. Poetry also follows similar sequences and patterns. Till the time I had not read the book, I was aware of only one type of poetry. For me poetry was emotions and thoughts expressed with rhythmic words. I am appalled at my ignorance. There must be many like me who are unaware of the technicalities behind this art. And this book aims to literate them, enlighten them.
“When all aspiring writers will start enjoying poetry, they will start painting into their canvas a new poetry form”. From chapter-2 onwards, Dr. Diwaker dedicates each episode to a particular form of poetry, explaining it in detail with examples.
The way the author has painstakingly explained the different forms of poetry with examples and in a very simple and informal conversation between two friends, absorbing all the flood if information became an easy ride.
Dr. Diwakar Pokhriyal has completed his PhD, Post-Graduation and B. Tech in Power/Energy. He is a writer by passion. He has written 14 poetry books, 2 short story collection and 1 Novel. He has been a part of more than 100 poetry anthologies/magazines with writers around the world. He has won ‘India Start Icon Award 2019’ for his book Poetry for Everyone. He has also been listed into ‘Top 50 Influencer Author’s Award 2K18’ by The Spirit Mania. His name is also in ‘Limca Book of Records – 2017’ for writing most varieties of poem. He has won “Aagaman Young Talent – 2015” award for his writing endeavors. He has won “Poiesis Award for Excellence in Literature-2014 & 2017” for his short stories. He has been a highly recommended poet in an international competition “Rabindranath Tagore Award – 2016” by His works and interviews are also included in various websites. Facebook Page: Poetry For Everyone Twitter Handle: @poetofsenses Email: Youtube Channel: Creative Energy
It was fascinating, captivating and had the ability to enthrall, engross and spell-bind the reader. Some forms are very easy to understand and replicate while others need a lot of practice. I feel learning a form and then writing according to it is like baking a cake in various types of cake moulds but the uniqueness and creativity and the personal touch comes in the recipe/ingredients of the cake. Similarly, in a poem after the structuring, exquisiteness comes from the words, the thoughts and the experience of the poet.
For any raw product, a base is very necessary to give out a polished product and provide anatomy. Similarly this book gives a strong foundation to the raw talent, feelings and thoughts in all of us. Poetry is a beautiful way of expressing our thoughts, of taking out whatever is going on in our minds.
After reading this book I have also started to believe that I can make poetry and “there is a poet in everyone”. A must read for aspiring creative writers, poets and anyone who wants to pen down his/her thoughts and wants to give them a rhythmic flow and meaning.
- Author: Dr. Diwakar Pokhriyal
- Publisher: InkQuills Publishing House (3 December 2019)
- Language: English
- Review by: Noor at Theliteraturetoday
- Amazon: Buy on Amazon
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