My Letters to My Daughters | Book Review | Curfina Kimkhovah
Book: My Letters to My Daughters Author: Curfina Kimkhovah Reviewed By: Akhila Saroha Published By: Evincepub Publishing Amazon Link: Order Now More than anything else, the...
Essentials for Drug Development and Clinical Trials | Mohammad Gayoor Khan |The Literature Today
Title: Essentials for Drug Development and Clinical Trials Author: Mohammad Gayoor Khan Published by: Evincepub Publishing Reviewed by: Akhila Saroha Amazon Link: Order Book As times...
"People need a book before them to write books too”. Language is the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people...
Book Review | Lost Universe By Keith Brandon | The Literature Today
This mesmerizing work of Science Fiction is the debut novel of the author but ceases to look like one. It is one sci-fi read that...
Book Review | Her Name Was Flower | Imani Cortez | The Titerature Today
Life is a special gift with which we are blessed, we need to respect this privilege and live a blissful life of serving the ones...
Book Review – CHENNAI TO CHICAGO – The Literature Today
CHENNAI TO CHICAGO: memoir of a software engineer. "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney. A memoir...
An Interview with | Dr. Tripat Deep Singh | The Literature Today
Interview with Dr.Tripat Neel Preet: First of all, Big Congratulations on your newly published book, “Basic Polysomnography” Dr. Tripat! What responses are you getting from...
Basic Polysomnography | Book Review | Dr. Tripat Deep Singh | The Literature Today
Firstly, it’s very much obligatory to understand the subject matter on which this review has been carried out, well many of us are alien to...
Book Review | The Humble Wrath by Vandana Sudheesh| The Literature Today
Poetry is the play of right words with some of the most in-describable emotions, while poets are those players who plays with the beautiful words...