Author Interview | Abhay N. Sing | The Literature Today
Que: First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you on the publishing of your book, “The Perfect 5”. How has the response to the book been so far?
Abhay N. Singh: Thank you so much for your appreciation, well as far as response to the book is concerned, has been pretty satisfying since it is being appreciated by people and also doing good as far as sale of the book is concerned.
Que: How did the idea of writing a book on the most feared aspects of getting a job come to you?
Abhay N. Singh: The idea of writing this book had been in my mind for quite a long time since I have been running an institute of language and personality development and I train all the competitive students and I felt a great need of this kind of book because most of the students do lack the basic skills when it comes to face the interview and get the kind of job they aim to get.
Que: How far did your experience contribute in your writing of the book? Did you have any particular audience like freshers or experienced candidates in mind while writing the book?
Abhay N. Singh: It was purely my own experiences that I have used and described in this book and I did have a specific audience before I thought to write this book and my audience were my own students and other aspirants who are trying hard to make their marks in professional life .this book has been designed for both the working people and as well as competitive students.
Que: What is the story behind the title, “The Perfect 5”? How did you come up with it?
Abhay N. Singh: The story , behind naming this book “The Perfect 5 “ is very simple and sensible and it is because the book contains 5 main topics of professional career .Interview, Group Discussion, Presentation, Effective Communication and Manners etiquette, that is why I named this book” The Perfect 5.”
Que: Since you have ventured into book writing, is there any book or any author that you enjoy reading?
Abhay N. Singh: Well ,I am not that much passionate about reading books but yes whenever I get time ,I do prefer reading books based on academic and motivations , I also do enjoy reading Mr Chetan Bhagat’s books .
Que: Very less books have been written on the aspects of getting a job. This is extremely crucial and yet so less is written on it. What according to you could be the probable reason?
Abhay N. Singh: Well ,if you would take my opinion on this ,I would say that in a digital time people fight shy of reading books ,they feel like finding answers and solutions from the social platforms and even few those who are fond of reading books ,prefer reading fiction books or novels or a story based books ,they find it quite entertaining ,but in my view this is not good. People must take an interest in reading such kind of books which help you to develop your personality and skills.
Que: Are you aware about the present day writing? What are your views on that?
Abhay N. Singh: I may not be much aware of the present scenario of writing books since this is my very first book but undoubtedly I will turn out to be a professional writer and at the same time I look forward to finding ideas of writing by having an eye at others author. This is my ultimate goal to be a professional writer who can contribute to make changes in people’s life and can also help those aspirants who are finding a little hard to get through at their careers and jobs.
Que: Since “The Perfect 5” is a practical and non-fictional work, can the readers expect any work of fiction from you in the future? Please share about your future projects.
Abhay N. Singh: Yes ,of course I would be interested in writing few fiction books also ,as I have mentioned that I want to be a professional writer in future and I do have some books in progress, but first my prime focus will be on writing few more nonfiction and academic books like Crack the interview, How to be self-made ,Defuse the depression a name to few and then I will pay heed to writing few nonfiction books .
Que: Although you have mentioned all areas in detail in your book, but which according to you is/are the areas in which maximum candidates are lagging?
Abhay N. Singh: The areas and skills that candidates lack are the skill of communication and the skill of Presentation ,most of the students who I have come across ,do not have even basic idea of presenting or even communicating, they may be very good at knowledge but they do lack the skills and attitude which are very important when it comes to face any interview or go for any Presentation. I personally have interacted with many students who don’t even know how to introduce properly .most of the time they find it very difficult to transfer their knowledge with proper skills.
Que: How easy or difficult was it for you to decide the layout of your book and the aspects you intended to cover?
Abhay N. Singh: To be very honest ,it was not tough at all for me since I have been in this profession for a very long time ,it was just to transfer my knowledge and experience in black and white, whatever I felt during my training and teaching time ,I just drafted all those in this book ,on the contrary, I enjoyed writing this book and the most satisfying thing is that every words mentioned in this book are mine .all the points, ideas and concerns are my own creations. It was very exciting experience for me and I just had a great time while writing this book.
Que: In the present day’s fiercely competitive world, what according to you should a candidate do to ensure his/her success?
Abhay N. Singh: Abhay N. Singh: As it is quite well known fact that every company department and organization needs his or her employees to be like a package, merely knowledge is not sufficient to get succeeded, the one has to have a mix of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. According to me, these three are the pillars of success, in every interview or at any Presentation, three aspects are judged, the first one is who are you? Means your own personality, the second one is what do you have? Means your knowledge and the third one is how do you present or transfer that knowledge means your Skills, so knowledge skills and attitude are the essential aspects for any success.
Que: Is there any suggestion you would like to give to job aspirants of today
Abhay N. Singh: I just want to tell all the job aspirants that they should present themselves as a package and as a brand not just as a product, and to be a brand, you need to pose all three aspects Knowledge, Skills and attitude. I would like to suggest them that along with their studies they should also develop their skills and presentation qualities they should keep participating at debates, seminars and other activities where they can groom themselves as a better presenters, only knowledge is not enough ,they need to be fully skilled at the same time they also need to update themselves with the current events and happenings and should be prepared to put their views and opinions. They should not fight shy of participating at these kind of activities. They have to be very good at communicating something to someone. Presentation and Communication have to be taken seriously.
Que: Thank you for having this pleasant conversation. I wish you the best for your future ventures.
Abhay N. Singh: Thank you so much, it was indeed pleasure sharing these ideas with you, I do appreciate your interest being shown in this conversation. Wish u a very good luck.
Can’t wait to read it? Buy your copy of “The Perfect 5: A Key To Unlock” using the link below.
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