Meena Arora Nayak
About Meena: MEENA ARORA NAYAK is the author of three novels, Endless Rain, About Daddy, and In the Aftermath, and a children’s book, The Puffin...
Arjun Raj Gaind
Arjun Raj Gaind is the author of The Anatomy of Loss, published by Bloomsbury India. He is also the author of A Very Pukka Murder,...
Ambedkar: A Life by Shashi Tharoor
About The Book In this new biography, Tharoor tells Ambedkar’s story with great lucidity, insight, and admiration. He traces the arc of the great man’s...
INKED IN INDIA: Fountain Pens and a Story of Make and Unmake by Bibek Debroy, Sovan Roy (Author)
About The Book In the early 1900s, a Bengali doctor created the first Indian fountain pen in Varanasi. Despite this early start, foreign-made pens dominate...
2023 Kolkata Book Fair To Be On Pre-Covid Scale
The 46th International Kolkata Book Fair, scheduled to be held in January next year, will be on the pre-COVID scale if cases do not rise...