Author Interview | Urja Joshi | Evincepub Publication
Akhila Saroha: I would like to begin by congratulating you on the publication of “Yellow: The Verses of Hurting and Healing.” How has the response to the book been so far?
Urja Joshi: I am so glad to be doing this interview with you. The response to book is unexpectedly very amazing. During previous week it was marked as #1 bestseller on amazon for poetries. I am very happy that people are actually liking it.
Akhila Saroha: The concept of “Yellow: The Verses of Hurting and Healing” is quite interesting and unique. How did the idea strike you?
Urja Joshi: it was very simple for me, because I am a part of this generation and I know what are the common topics for concern in our era. I hang out with people of my age, they often express what they feel like, about different things, so I thought “why not a book?. I decided to write about all of them, mental health, rapes, heartbreaks, feminism, men and all I could. I wanted this to be a very easy read, so I decided to go for free verse poetry.
Akhila Saroha: What, according to you, are the possible reasons for people going through the substances you have mentioned in the text? Were there any events behind “Childhood With Elves” creation?
Urja Joshi: the idea for this book started with a very minor idea of “self love”. I see my close ones doing that almost every day. How often do we let our guard down, for the excuse that we love someone? I wanted all of us including myself, to understand that no matter how much you love someone, it’s still not a valid excuse to love your own self any less. This topic was the life for my book and later on the other issues joined on their own.
Akhila Saroha: What are your views about present-day writing? Do you think enough is being written to help people heal from being hurt?
Urja Joshi: I am not sure, how to comment on that. I have seen people writing about their grief a lot but for once I would love to see them write about the hope and after-depression scenes they experience. Its very helpful. That’s why I wanted “Kabir” for yellow. So that he can give a message, that no sad phase in our lives is permanent, there is always and always healing coming our way.
Akhila Saroha: Are there any authors that you enjoy reading or any books which are your favourites?
Urja Joshi: I am a very versatile reader, I read everything, I don’t even have a favourite genre but if I have to be specific I love reading rupi kaur’s work. She is amazing. Also robin sharma and paulo Coelho, they both have my heart. My favourite books are the alchemist, the sun and her flowers, the monk who sold his Ferrari and there is a whole list waiting to be exposed now, I guess I will stop here.
Akhila Saroha: Do you think “Yellow: The Verses of Hurting and Healing” can be restricted to any particular genre? Or can it be categorized under more than one genre?
Urja Joshi: I think so yellow is so much more than it appears. It is poetry, it is self-help, it is fictional. It is everything. And I guess I consider yellow a pure form of art, and how can we restrict art to one particular genre, right. Its impossible. So I think so yellow is for every reader, no matter how you judge the books, it is for everyone.
Akhila Saroha: Your writing has given a powerful introduction to your potential as a writer. Can the readers expect more from you in the future? Please share about your future projects.
Olga Gomon: yes surely, I never mentioned that I am taking a break from writing. I love to write and I haven’t thought of future projects for now, but some people definitely want yellow: chapter two. I am thinking about it.
Akhila Saroha: What is the story behind the title of your work, “Yellow: The Verses of Hurting and Healing”?
Urja Joshi: I was scrolling through pinterest and I found a vvery beautiful picture of sunflowers. And it suddenly struck me that why not name the book “yellow”. I did some research and found out that yellow has both positive and negative meanings. Many countries believe yellow to be a happy color, however in some parts of the world, they use yellow flowers on funeral to symbolize the deaths. So I got the perfect name for my book like this. It is both, the beginnings and the endings.
Akhila Saroha: How easy or difficult was it for you to decide on the content that was suitable to be shared through the medium of “Yellow: The Verses of Hurting and Healing”?
Urja Joshi: I don’t have a particular routine for writing, I write whenever any thought passes by me. It was a huge deal for me at first to select the poems out of thousands that I have written and shortlist them for the book. But then I decided to focus on those who actually served the purpose of yellow, and then there it was. Easy as pie.
Akhila Saroha: Do you think being hurt in love is something that is happening in the present time? Or has it always been like this?
Urja Joshi: I do not believe that being hurt is for everyone. It is not a law that if you love you have to get heartbroken. I think so it’s on us, how we treat us and the other person in our life. It’s about our outlook towards love and life. I believe in love and its power, and it really makes life beautiful. Presently many people are hurt and heartbroken and I think it is because of the definitions that we have for relationships and for love, we have a set of unrealistic expectations and this urge to find someone beyond perfect for us. There is no perfectionism in this world, and we need to let that sink in. there is no perfect person waiting for us. If you want to be with someone, you do everything you can, that is it. It was like this when my parents got married, and it will be like this when one day my kids will find their partners.
Akhila Saroha: If you were to describe your book in a few words without giving any spoilers, what would those words be?
Urja Joshi: I would say, it is very “READABLE”. That’s it for you. Please go and buy the book everyone. I swear, you are not going to regret it.
Akhila Saroha: If any writers are planning to write in the same genre as yours, what advice would you give them on the basis of your writing experience?
Urja Joshi: I give only one advice and that is, please believe that you can write that one book, you want to. Do not assume you can not, before even starting. Write as if the release day is tomorrow. And be impulsive, just do it. Don’t think too much. Write your heart out. If your friend hurt you, or your boyfriend broke your heart, then express it in your poems. Personal stuff always touches the heart.
Akhila Saroha: Thank you very much for sparing your time. I look forward to reading more books from you in the future. All the best.
Urja Joshi: thankyou so much for having me, it was great.
Title: Yellow: The Verses of Hurting and Healing
Author: Urja Joshi
Interviewed By: Akhila saroha
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing
Buy Book: Order on amazon
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