An Interview with Master Olga Gormon at The Literature Today
Neel Preet: First of all, Big Congratulations on your newly published book, “The Games of Light and Shadow: Childhood with Elves” Master Olga! What responses are you getting from this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.
Master Olga Gormon: My readers inspire me to write more books each day. I can share review that I just recently got from my reader: “K.C. Finn
Childhood with Elves is a work of highly creative and inspirational spiritual exploration and was penned by author Olga Gomon. Written as the first volume in The Games of Light and Shadow book series, the work centers on the concept of those enlightened folks who have walked the world with their eyes open a little wider than most people around them, and how the author herself underwent a journey with magicality, spirit, and some fascinating teachings, all to become a master of the art of astropsychology. The work is written in a narrative style akin to fiction, but can be interpreted as a kind of parable for its many spiritual lessons.
Author Olga Gomon has crafted a book that defies definition but, once read, opens readers up to its many different meanings, interpretations, and enlightenment. The narrative format of the work makes it very readable and accessible to those who may find its magical qualities a little overwhelming at first. One of the things which I found to be most striking was the emotional impact of the work, due in no small part to Gomon’s passionate authoritative voice, which speaks through her lexical and dialogue choices to give the work an inspiring spirit from cover to cover. Overall, I would say that Childhood with Elves is a reading experience for those who are open-minded to that which lies beyond the current realms of empiricism, and it is the opening to a promising and enlightening new series of spiritual teachings.”
As per my experience with this book I was writing it in between consultations and meditation lessons, at the airport, sitting on the ruins of a temple in Lebanon, in a fishermen’s village in Mauritania, in the jungle of the Himalayas and in the Kalahari desert. One day I woke up in a villa overlooking the Red Sea and saw a magnificent dawn. The fiery rays of the rising sun colored the whole sky covered with feathers of clouds, and scarlet colors. I sat down and described what I had seen. It would be wrong to say that this book is written by me. It was written by my hands by Nature itself, inhabited by countless visible and invisible creatures. Under the guidance of the Creator of this world. Spiritual beings would come to me and asked me to tell about their life. Elves, whose life depends on forests and plants, asked me to treat their world with care and to stop deforestation. Spirits inhabiting the oceans and seas asked me to reach the hearts of people and not to contaminate water – the blood and lymph of the planet Earth. This book is just written down by me. But its true author is Mother Nature, who once gave life to a form of life – a human being.
Neel Preet: I’ve read your book and I genuinely feel that it’s a very essential topic, which every individual needs to know about and yet many of us are alien to this subject; So my next question to you is that what inspired you to write a book like this?
Master Olga Gormon: I am inspired by everything! By the whole world in its diversity. By friends and students scattered around the world like pearls in the ocean. They were the keys that opened new doors in understanding the world or places, religions, history and human feelings. My books are based on their experiences. And the variety of styles and pictures is the ability to see the world through the eyes of those I’ve ever crossed paths with.
The essence of the book is in a very simple yet important question.
We often ask ourselves a question: Who am I? This happens when we are alone and the doors are closed. Our life is divided into sleeping and being awake, into something that we are ready to show to others, and an inner world hidden from prying eyes. Very often, in favor of social rules, we are obliged to do something that our inner being does not accept. This causes an internal conflict. Developing a social mask, with age, we move further away from our inner nature. We forget who we really are. The secret is, that it is in the inner nature that inexhaustible forces, capable of healing the body and controlling the elements, are hidden.
Neel Preet: We can see that you have mention things like understanding the language of the animals and hearing the songs of the grass! So, next I need you to answer that what was the impetus behind this work of yours?
Master Olga Gormon: My book is spontaneous, like a blowing wind and a sudden coming rain. I only wanted to show people the diversity of the world and the creatures that inhabited it. So that people could know that they are not alone. They are surrounded by an invisible world that is ready to interact, if people get rid of their consumer nature and develop the inner tools of interaction.
“Childhood with Elves” is just the first in a series of books “The Games of Light and Shadow”. In this book, I have just started to talk about how to develop the inner power and gave easy ways to immerse into your own self.
Unusual abilities are not only a natural gift. They can be developed through regular mental exercises, which I will gradually, lesson by lesson, describe in my books. Everyone can do it. The more people can learn these skills, the healthier and more humane our society will be.
Neel Preet: Studying the subject matter of this book, I’m greatly impressed and I want you to explain us, your version of how this book is relevant in the present day scenario.
Master Olga Gormon: This is a book about a little girl, who was very different from ordinary children. She had unusual dreams and could see the elves. And she preferred to spend time in the woods among the mountains. She liked to read books, but she received most of the information from dwarves, elves and other spiritual creatures. The stars told her the story of the Universe creation, and dolphins taught her to swim. The elves revealed her the secrets of herbs and healing, and the dwarves gave her the gift of hearing the Earth and passing through the mountains. In exchange for the fact that one day she will save their world. By stopping the destructive actions of people. So when she grew up, she began to teach people to see the invisible, to love the nature and protect it.
This is a book for those who feel they are different from others. Who always knew their true home is up there, among the stars. Who do not tolerate cruelty and ignorance and have a fine appreciation of nature. Who have unusual dreams and strange visions. For those who feel that their formal school knowledge is not enough. Who want to know the true story, more about themselves and the structure of the world, the structure of the universe and energy fields. Who want to hear the unheard and see the invisible. For people of the new race.
Neel Preet: Ma’am you were very straightforward with your writings in your book, which I really appreciate. So next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you and whom you follow!
Master Olga Gormon: I do agree that the temple of human personality is built on the foundation of books you have read. My early childhood was influenced by the book “The Wizard of Oz”. A. de Saint-Exupery and his “The Little Prince” influenced the formation of emotionality. Do you remember the fox lines? “When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry.” I knew this novel by heart and I still quote from it. The passion for travelling appeared after “Sinbad the sailor” from the collection “A Thousand and One Nights”. The ability to be friends was inspired by A. Dumas’ novels. From them, I learned about intrigues, political games and secret orders. French medieval plays and André Morois gave the first lessons of love and flirting, and Hemingway taught me to face trials and pain. Vasari unveiled the world of medieval art. Leonardo da Vinci revealed the world of science, medicine and painting. With “Treatise on Medicine” by Abu Ali Ibn Sino, I took my first steps in healing, with Paracelsus – in alchemy and astrology.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye,” said Little Prince. And I read books and life with my heart to absorb their essence and not to fall into the illusion of form.
Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Master Olga Gormon: Yes, I am working on my next book right now. With each subsequent book, I will immerse readers more into the world of spiritual practices, just like precious diamonds scattered around different parts of our planet. In the following books, I will talk about the immortality practices of the Himalayas, the magic of the sands and the fall of ancient civilizations, about ancient aircrafts and my experience of time travel.
Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for the future and your book too!
Master Olga Gormon: Thank you, it was my pleasure!
Title: Childhood with Elves
Author: Master Olga Gormon
Interviewed By: Neelpreet
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