Book Review-AND SO CAN YOU-Theliteraturetoday

That some achieve great success is proof to all that others can achieve it as well- Abraham Lincoln.


Do you like listening to and/or narrating real-life incidents/stories?

NOTHING COMES EASILY in this world. If we ASPIRE for something, we have to TOIL for it. If they can do it, so can you. 17 REAL-LIFE Stories penned down by Dr. Roopleen are a treat to read.  I always find real-life incidents/stories very INTERESTING & ENLIGHTENING. There is SO MUCH TO LEARN from them! It’s the easiest way to get wise, learning from the experiences of others. 

This book, penned down by a doctor, has stories & experiences of high- profile doctors & it says, this is a book every doctor & medical student must read. But I feel the life incidents, the struggles, the ordeal, the success. Is similar to every other person irrespective of the field. There’s so much to learn. If not anything else it gives you a push, a fresh breather of confidence to go ahead n work & pursue your dreams.

The book is a narrative about the trials and tribulations that define the life of a doctor in the making. The doctor works beyond the regular hours, even on weekends and holidays. They have their moments of glory, respect, and accolades, but they are also subjected to threats, and get screamed and cursed at, despite their sincere efforts at doing the best they can under the circumstances. The Hippocratic Oath compels every doctor to do everything in their power to save lives, preserve health, and at least alleviate suffering. This book will help peep into the lives of doctors and steal a glimpse of reality.

About the author: Dr.Roopleen is a motivational counselor, speaker, blogger, life enthusiast, super- specialist eye surgeon and an author. The books written by Dr.Roopleen include;

1. From Average to Awesome: 365 Affirmations for a Positive Life.

2. From Regular to Remarkable: 365 Motivational Quotes for a Positive Life.

3. Principles of Success made easy- 14 easy steps to climb the Ladder of Success.

4. Words to Inspire the Winner in You.

5. 101 daily quotes to inspire, uplift and empower you to live a positive life.

She has contributed to 6 anthologies. Dr. Roopleen believes in writing with a purpose and inspirational writing is her forte. She writes extensively in the self-help genre.

“And So Can You!” is a collection of 17 inspirational success stories of doctors who struggled with challenges, braved obstacles, and made it through because they believed they had a dream to fulfil and a mission to accomplish. The stories behind the lives of these successful doctors. The journeys they embarked on. The guiding factors that drove them along the long and arduous journey. What motivated them to work hard and how they made it despite facing numerous challenges? These are the stories of dedication and perseverance. A journey of self – belief and faith, of hard work and commitment. The book unravels the secrets – why these doctors are where they are today. How they succeeded in accomplishing their life goals. 

What to look for in the book;

 – 261pages of PERFECTLY WRITTEN 17 stories of eminent professionals.

 – A detailed foreword, preface, introduction, a page for final thoughts, message for the reader & a page about the author.

 – There are INSPIRING QUOTATIONS at every nook & corner in the book.

 – Each story begins with a glossy page having an intro of the protagonist, the ” quality” in focus in the story, a beautiful quote. The glossy page also helps in easy navigation between the 17 stories in the book. Each story ends with a summary, advice to young & aspiring doctors, takeaway- words of wisdom and it is different for each & every story.

The EDITING is perfect, the WRITING STYLE is simple but very engaging. NARRATION is on point and the stories are neither too long nor too short, just perfect. The entire book & its contents are in a very nice format which is easy to comprehend & absorb. ‘Nothing comes easily in this world’. It is true. If you aspire for something, you have to toil for it. 

‘Nothing is impossible in this world’. If you can dream it, you can do it. That is true for the medical profession as well. For all those who are yearning and gearing to become successful doctors, please believe in yourself although a thick book, it is a quick read. 

The TITLE is so uplifting & COVER designed by Manoj Vijayan is so simple yet catchy. The book is published by Power Publishers and is priced at INR 360/-.

I loved reading this book!  Anyone who likes reading memoirs, biographies, autobiographies, real-life stories is surely going to love this one too! A must read for doctors & medical students.

Ratings: 4.5/5

Author Name:  Dr. Roopleen
Book Title: And So Can You! 
Publisher: Power Publication; 2018 edition (2018)                          Paperback: 269 pages                                                                   Buy Book: Amazon  Store                                                  Reviewed by  Noor at Theliteraturetoday

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