Poems By Diptirekha Das Is being featured at The Literature Today Magazine Vol 2, Issue 3

All That Matters

Remember your roots,

To the soil, you’re born.

You’re indebted to a lot of people;

Do count them in your prayers.

Blessings are all that matters.

Never forget your upbringing,

The days of struggles.

Nothing comes swiftly,

You’ve to fight for yours.

Perseverance is all that matters.

Stop doubting your credibility,

When failure left you shattered.

Make sure to be grounded,

When success gives you goosebumps.

Humility is all that matters.

Don’t make it a hard & fast rule,

To stay always focused.

Sometimes getting detached from the mainstream;

Help detox your overexposures.

Serenity is all that matters.

Try to ease up on your passion,

Don’t stress so often.

Trust your pace;

Because at the end of the day,

Your happiness is all that matters.

Diptirekha is from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Post-graduate in Economics. She is an active blogger at Momspresso (a blogging app)& a bilingual poetess. She has contributed to many anthologies, and articles on various platforms. Her passion is literature. She loves to address social topics & women-oriented issues through her literary works.

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One thought on “Poems By Diptirekha Das Is being featured at The Literature Today Magazine Vol 2, Issue 3

  1. Thank you dear Aashi Dewangan & co for publishing my poem in your beautiful magazine Literature Today.

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