India’s Struggle for Independence – Gandhian Era, a novel, was published.

India’s Struggle for Independence – Gandhian Era is a novel written by Justice V. Ramasubramanian, a judge on the Supreme Court.

India’s Struggle for Independence – Gandhian Era is a novel written by Supreme Court Justice V. Ramasubramanian. The book was released at an event hosted at the University of Madras. It was written by P. Jyothimani, a former judge on the Madras High Court, and G. Balan, a former history professor at Pachiayappa’s College. The book discusses topics like Mahatma Gandhi’s current significance.

The first duplicate was given to Justice R. Mahadevan, a judge on the Madras High Court. Justice R. Mahadevan discussed Gandhi’s struggles for social and economic justice, equality for all people, the eradication of poverty and ignorance, and, ultimately, ensuring freedom through ahimsa and non-violence.

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