Notion Press Announces the Launch of its Exclusive Publishing Program for Young Authors

October 2022, Chennai, India – Notion Press announces the launch of its publishing services exclusively for Young Authors from the age group of 11 to 17 years old.

These young minds will work with a team of publishing experts that have worked on over 60,000+ books, who will help them publish and monetise off of their professionally created books. This will help build confidence among young authors and encourage them to read and write more books.

Speaking on the occasion the CEO and Co Founder of Notion Press Naveen Valsakumar said, “Notion Press believes that the youth of India have something pivotal to say, and we give them a chance to say it. We pride ourselves in democratizing publishing and providing a level playing field for all authors, and an imprint for Young Adults would help us stay true to our motto: ‘Anyone can publish’.”

Notion Press announced the launch of its Young Writers Publishing Program along with a National Short Story Writing Competition for Young Adults aged 11 to 17 on September 30th 2022.

The National Young Writers Competition will focus on upcoming writers between the ages of 11-17 years, inspiring them to share their short stories. These stories will be read by readers across the country, who will play a vital role in helping them win the competition! The competition provides an opportunity for passionate young writers to showcase their talent, get recognized by new readers, and also win exciting prizes.

The top three winners of the competition will be awarded Rs 25,000; Rs 15,000; andRs 10,000 respectively. The top 25 winners will also have their stories featured in an anthology published by Notion Press.

The rules of the competition are simple – there are no restrictions such as topics or themes. A participant can enter multiple entries with a word limit for each story ranging from 750-1500 words. The story must be original and unpublished in any form – digital or print.

Here is the link to the competition:

Note: This news piece was originally published in the week and used purely for non-profit/non-commercial purposes exclusively for Human Rights.

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