Maggie O’Farrell The acclaimed book “Hamnet” by Maggie O’Farrell will be made into a movie

For her book “Hamnet,” Irish author Maggie O’Farrell won the Women’s Prize for Fiction in 2020 and the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction in 2021. And now Chloe Zhao, an Oscar winner, will adapt “Hamnet” into a movie.

The play “Hamnet” follows William Shakespeare’s wife Agnes as she laments the unexpected passing of her son Hamnet. It should be mentioned that Hamnet passed away from the bubonic plague at the age of just 11. Shakespeare and Agnes’ relationship is also explored in the narrative.
According to sources, Zhao will collaborate with the author on the writing for “Hamnet” in addition to directing the adaptation.

Playwright Lolita Chakrabartithe is also adapting “Hamnet” for the stage for the Swan theatre of the Royal Shakespeare Company. The play is now being staged in Stratford from April 1 to June 17, and from September 30, 2023, to January 6, 2024, it will be performed at the Garrick Theatre in London.

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