Author Story Article: Syndie Beaupre

Syndie Beaupre was born to proud parents Martine and Daniel on September 27, 1993. Since her birth her grandmother used to take care of her due to her mother’s ill health. Syndie became very dear and got closely attached to her grandmother. The author was born 3 months pre mature therefore doctors said she will not able to read and write, but her mother and grandmother proved them wrong. She has excellent language skills which was rare in her age. She got the love for literature imprinted in her by her father and grandmother. The author has a lot of tragedies and struggles all her life, be it getting bullied in school or she was made fun of due to her medical issues. But all these circumstances never scared her because she had her book and as long as she had her book, she had a friend.

At age 16 Syndie wrote her first novel “Dark one” which she wrote on tissue papers. Her school friends and family constantly supported her in her literary journey. While she was facing relationship tragedies in her personal life, she kept working on her first novel. Meanwhile, on the other hand she also started writing her famous book “Such Exquisite Calamity”. This book became a path breaker for the author. While writing the book author’s personal life got messed and it affected her book. The book relates to a lot of the situations Sydnie was going through, she was writing about sadness, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm. The narrative centers on Cayden and Spencer, two young individuals who are aware of their differences and possess special abilities and powers that humans do not. They are desperate to learn everything, but no one is permitted by law to provide them with any knowledge pertaining to their past or present situation.

Syndie continued her study and pursued her diploma. While she was focused on study, she somehow managed to complete her book “Dark one”, she was of 24 years that time. It’s a story of a girl Khiara Banning. Khiara Banning’s soul, the purest of all souls, was irrevocably linked to the result of the last conflict between good and evil when she was born. However, as a result of her parents’ stupidity, she was cursed; she was cursed to be truly alone, without a Guardian or Soul Mate. Cael, a fallen angel, was aware of this from the minute he first saw her and from the moment he heard whispers about it. He, more than anyone else, had a duty to protect her. God granted Cael’s request because He is just, despite the fact that he begged and pled for the right to be her guardian. He decreed, nevertheless, that if any errors were made, Cael’s title would be immediately revoked. The author has webbed an charismatic world of fiction which teleports readers into the world of mystics.

Later on the author continued to show her obsession with literature by writing three more books as the series of “Such Exquisite Calamity” which are “Such Broken Beginnings”, “Such Splendid Valour” and “Such Ethereal Beauty”. Her journey shows how books and literature can shape ones world.

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