10 Books recommended by Tony Robbins

10 Books recommended by Tony Robbins


Anthony J. Robbins is the full name of the well-known American author, businessman, and life coach Tony Robbins. He was born in North Hollywood, California, on February 29, 1960. Robbins has established himself as a leading figure in the self-help and personal development industries. He is renowned for his engaging public speaking, inspirational seminars, and best-selling books. Following are a few significant facts of Tony Robbins’ life and career:

Career Beginnings: Robbins started his career promoting seminars and self-help events for motivational speaker and author Jim Rohn. This experience played a pivotal role in shaping his own approach to personal development.

Seminars and Events: Tony Robbins is best known for his high-energy seminars and workshops, such as “Unleash the Power Within” and “Date with Destiny.” These events attract thousands of participants from around the world who seek personal and professional growth.

Books: He has authored several best-selling books, including “Awaken the Giant Within,” “Unlimited Power,” and “Money: Master the Game.” These books offer strategies and techniques for improving various aspects of one’s life, including finance, relationships, and personal development.

Personal Development Philosophy: Robbins’ approach to personal development focuses on empowering individuals to take control of their lives by changing their beliefs, habits, and behaviors. He emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, taking massive action, and maintaining a positive mindset.

Business Ventures: In addition to his work in personal development, Robbins has been involved in various business ventures, including co-founding the Robbins-Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention, a life coach training organization.

Tony Robbins’ impact on the self-help and personal development industry is significant, as he has inspired countless individuals to take charge of their lives and pursue their dreams. His seminars, books, and coaching have reached people from all walks of life, making him a prominent figure in the world of personal growth and motivation.

List of books recommended by him

Behind the Cloud by Marc R. Benioff

How did grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world’s fastest growing software company in less than a decade? For the first time, Marc Benioff, the visionary founder, chairman and CEO of , tells how he and his team created and used new business, technology, and philanthropic models tailored to this time of extraordinary change. Showing how not only survived the dotcom implosion of 2001, but went on to define itself as the leader of the cloud computing revolution and spark a $46-billion dollar industry, Benioff’s story will help business leaders and entrepreneurs stand out, innovate better, and grow faster in any economic climate. In Behind the Cloud, Benioff shares the strategies that have inspired employees, turned customers into evangelists, leveraged an ecosystem of partners, and allowed innovation to flourish.

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer , Diana Chapman , Kaley Klemp 

You’ll never see leadership the same way again after reading this book.

These fifteen commitments are a distillation of decades of work with CEOs and other leaders. They are radical or provocative for many. They have been game changers for us and for our clients. We trust that they will be for you too.

The TB12 Method by Tom Brady 

In this new edition of The TB12 Method, Tom Brady further explains and details the revolutionary training, conditioning, and wellness system that has kept him atop the NFL at an age when most players are deep into retirement. Brady—along with the expert Body Coaches at TB12, the performance lifestyle brand he cofounded in 2013 with Alex Guerrero—explain the principles and philosophies of pliability, a paradigm-shifting fitness concept that focuses on a more natural, healthier way of exercising, training, and living. Filled with lessons from Brady’s own training regimen, The TB12 Method provides step-by-step guidance on how develop and maintain one’s own peak performance while dramatically decreasing injury risks. This illustrated, highly visual manual also offers more effective approaches to functional strength & conditioning, proper hydration, supplementation, cognitive fitness, restorative sleep, and nutritious, easy-to-execute recipes to help readers fuel-up and recover.

Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson

Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of this unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson’s method gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage,” and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that has become a classic on self-healing.

A Mind at Home with Itself by  Byron Katie

In A Mind at Home with Itself, Byron Katie illuminates one of the most profound ancient Buddhist texts, The Diamond Sutra (newly translated in these pages by Stephen Mitchell) to reveal the nature of the mind and to liberate us from painful thoughts, using her revolutionary system of self-inquiry called “The Work.” Byron Katie doesn’t merely describe the awakened mind; she empowers us to see it and feel it in action. At once startlingly fresh and powerfully enlightening, A Mind at Home with Itself offers us a transformative new perspective on life and death.

Principles by  Ray Dalio 

In Principles, Dalio shares what he’s learned over the course of his remarkable career. He argues that life, management, economics, and investing can all be systemized into rules and understood like machines. The book’s hundreds of practical lessons, which are built around his cornerstones of “radical truth” and “radical transparency,” include Dalio laying out the most effective ways for individuals and organizations to make decisions, approach challenges, and build strong teams. He also describes the innovative tools the firm uses to bring an idea meritocracy to life, such as creating “baseball cards” for all employees that distill their strengths and weaknesses, and employing computerized decision-making systems to make believability-weighted decisions. While the book brims with novel ideas for organizations and institutions, Principles also offers a clear, straightforward approach to decision-making that Dalio believes anyone can apply, no matter what they’re seeking to achieve.

Tribe of Mentors by  Timothy Ferriss

This book contains their answers – practical and tactical advice from mentors who have found solutions. Whether you want to 10x your results, get unstuck, or reinvent yourself, someone else has traveled a similar path and taken notes. 

This book, Tribe of Mentors, includes many of the people I grew up viewing as idols or demi-gods. Less than 10% have been on my podcast (The Tim Ferriss Show, more than 200 million downloads), making this a brand-new playbook of playbooks. 

No matter your challenge or opportunity, something in this book can help. 

As a Man Thinketh by James P Allen

 As a Man Thinketh was first published in 1903. In it, Allen describes how man is the creator and shaper of his destiny by the thoughts which he thinks. We rise and fall in exact accordance with the character of the thoughts which we entertain. Our environment is the result of the thoughts that we harbor and the behavior that our thoughts bring about. Part of the New Thought Movement, Allen reveals the secrets to having the most fulfilling existence possible, guided by a proper understanding and appreciate of how thought shapes our lives. Allen advises on how to better manage our thoughts and how to direct them into more constructive behavior. Though written more than one hundred years ago, the language and resonance of this classic still hold up today, inviting each of us to reflect not on the world and others, but our own thoughts and how to regain their possession.

The Future Is Faster than You Think by  Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler 

In their book Abundance, bestselling authors and futurists Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler tackled grand global challenges, such as poverty, hunger, and energy. Then, in Bold, they chronicled the use of exponential technologies that allowed the emergence of powerful new entrepreneurs. Now the bestselling authors are back with The Future Is Faster Than You Think, a blueprint for how our world will change in response to the next ten years of rapid technological disruption.

Man’s Search for Meaning by  Viktor E. Frank

One of the outstanding classics to emerge from the Holocaust, Man’s Search for Meaning is Viktor Frankl’s story of his struggle for survival in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. Today, this remarkable tribute to hope offers us an avenue to finding greater meaning and purpose in our own lives.

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