Reshel Bretny Fernandes, a young author, received the Rabindranath Tagore Book Award.

Young author and persuasive speaker Reshel Bretny Fernandes has received both national and international acclaim. Her love of writing dates back to her early years, and in honor of Independence Day, she has released her second book, BHARAT @2047—Role of Youth.

As India (Bharat) enters its 100th year of independence, she is the first young author to address such an amazing subject, which examines the significance of youth in this amritkal. It underlines how important it is to commemorate this milestone with the opinions and thoughts of the younger generation, emphasizing the previous accomplishments of young people as well as their present influence in influencing the future through purposeful involvement in a variety of disciplines.

Her grandpa, SGT Alex Monis Moodbidri, who served in the Indian Air Force for 36 years, is honored in the book’s dedication.
Reshel received the prestigious Rabindranath Tagore Book Award from the DRDC council in New Delhi for writing on such a remarkable subject.

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